In the four months I have been here, I have seen some hilarious things. I have seen a mom breastfeed while riding on the back of a moped. I've seen a mom breastfeed on the subway. I've seen hundreds of kids wearing their pants with the open crotch because that's what they do here (the picture does it better justice than any words I have to describe it).
I've seen workers sleeping at every job-even at my job! No, it wasn't me (I'm working on it though . . ). I went to get one of the IT guys to help fix a computer. I opened the office door and yup, they were asleep. They had that look like "what the heck do you think you are doing? I already did my 15 minutes of work for the day."
I've seen many a man and boy peeing in the open street, the subway, and out the window of their house (oh, its pretty funny, until you catch a whiff. Yuck!). I've seen men spit on carpet and old women do some fat spitters on the street. I've seen a crew of 25 construction men moving straw, washing windows, and sitting around while one or two women get on with the heavy labor, breaking up the asphalt with pick axes and sledge hammers.
I've seen a falcon living in the 20th floor of an apartment building (My apartment building actually). I've seen an old Chinese man take his instrument and wash it in the pond that the men and boys just finished peeing in before putting it back to his lips and playing again--okay, that one had me laughing after I stopped convulsing.
And today, I saw a fancy wedding party go into Papa John's for the wedding meal and then come out to take wedding photos on the street (see video below). Ahhhhh. East Asia. Ahhhh Shanghai.
But, my personal favorite? That would be the first week I was here in Shanghai. A man in his late 40's was wearing a shirt that said, and I quote, "I LOVE TO FART".
The red picture above was for Budweiser. Budweiser had a display of musicians made of beer cans for a few weeks--kind of cool. Then, this next picture asks the visitors to not touch the water. Too bad the sign was in the middle of a large field of grass. What? Did they mean "don't touch the acid rain water on the grass or your hand will get burned?" In that case, we needs signs on all the water faucets that say "drink if you want to die. Let the taste of this awful water be your guide." I have drank the water twice by accident, and yes, the taste definitely lets you know that you will have a rough future (if any) if you drink more.
Here is our resident falcon man and his bird, who scares an elevator full of people daily when that thing starts flapping its wings (that bird is fierce-ask the mouse he just ate). I hope to be there with my camera the next time it happens.